Category Archives: My Personal Research

Is there a cure for tinnitus?

Is there a cure for tinnitus? If there is one I will cure myself. What is a cure? has one defintion that reads ” Something that corrects or relieves a harmful or disturbing situation.” Using this definition, there seems to be a wide range of possible cures for tinnitus. I think the cures that “correct” are far more elusive than the cures that… Read More »

Am I unaware I can hear?

I remember reading Daniel Goldman’s book Vital Lies, Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self-Deception. One story stuck in my mind. It was about blindness caused by stroke. Basically, what the experiments demonstrated was that some of the patients could see but they were not aware they could see. This is called cortical blindness. I started… Read More »

Posture and tinnitus

I read an excellent book about posture, inhibition and how to move better. The book is about the Alexander Technique which is very interesting and used in acting as well. This book is available at Amazon and perhaps your library.    

Vagus nerve stimulation

This is an interesting study of using vagus nerve stimulation and tones to help relieve tinnitus symptoms and distress. Tinnitus and Vagus Nerve Stimulation Study It provides some positive results in moving closer to understanding and relieving tinnitus. I will cure myself.

How to speak

Here are some key speaking techniques that will improve your effectiveness as a speaker. These are techniques I have learned both through my years of training and experience and through my experience as someone that has hearing issues including tinnitus. My hypothesis is that everyone’s hearing and listening are challenged. They are challenged by physical… Read More »