Day 2 Mixes well video

By | May 23, 2020

Ok. Onto Day 2.

I uploaded a video to show that the Taurine powder mixes well with cold water. According to the label the scoop is 2g and I think that is about right based on my measurements. The challenge with my scale is the minimum weight it will recognize is 2g.

I am sticking to 7 as my tinnitus level. I am using this as a baseline. For some 7 may be aggravating, but honestly it is not bothersome at all for me especially since I can ignore it. I am using 7 as I want to be able to rate my tinnitus level incrementally as it hopefully declines so starting at 4 would not be helpful to my endeavor. By the way, I take out my hearing aids and meditate momentarily to sense the level for me. I am also paying attention to the nuance and shape of the ringing. Is it a flat constant sound, is it both ears equally, is there any pattern new or old and so on.

The taurine powder mixes well in cold water.

I write down my notes in the notebook you can see in the beginning of the video. I think recording simple metrics and notes is essential to anything important you choose to do as it helps you look back and also it keeps you remain disciplined. It is easy to say I will skip a day or I can’t remember ‘did I do it yesterday’ especially if you alternate days of something.

So today I took two scoops spaced out by about 6 hours. No issues.

Please note I am not a doctor or nutritionist. I do not recommend anyone to take supplements. You should consult a board certified medical doctor if you are considering taking taurine or any other supplements as they may affect people in different ways.

I bought it from This is the product I bought. Please note the link below is an affiliate link which will take you to where you can read more about it. However, I bought this product on my own and did not get it for free or anything like that. I am serious about curing my tinnitus.

Nutricost Taurine Powder (1KG) – 500 Servings

I will cure myself.

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