Monthly Archives: March 2016

Ups and downs

This morning the tinnitus seemed about average. However I noticed that without my hearing aids my hearing was not good. I took my taurine as usual. 1 g.

Mouth guard and tinnitus

I have been wearing my mouth guard as I sleep for a few nights now. I notice that my jaw feels better in the morning. I have to believe this is good for my jaw and teeth. In addition, not having the pressure may be helping my tinnitus improve. I will keep observing. I will… Read More »

I heard the birds singing

This morning as I walked to the train in the 50 degree weather I heard birds chirping. Now this is not unusual event for a warm day for a Chicago winter day. What is a little surprising is I heard them without my hearing aids. I usually seem to have trouble hearing the chirping sound… Read More »