Yesterday, the ringing was fairly noticeable. After I my workout I noticed that the ringing seemed louder than usual. It was not however distracting. I focused on it a few times and as I went to bad I relaxed and focused on it as I lay down.
This morning the ringing seemed to be much less and mainly on one side. I drew my focus to my brain. As I did I felt a kind of tingling or pressure. I think when you focus on something, you notice more about it or perhaps more blood moves to that region…I do not know.
Importantly, as I focused on my brain and the ringing, I felt sensations in my lower back around L4 L5. I also felt a sensation in my lower leg calf area. This is consistent with my sciatica.
This ties in with my theory that the sound I hear may be related to my disc issue and that the sound is irritation of the nervous system.