My tinnitus research and my expanding understanding

By | February 20, 2016

I have been doing a lot of research on the causes of tinnitus  When I say cause I do not mean, hearing loss or NSAIDS or trauma, although the underlying cause is important.  What I mean is what is the mechanism causing me to hear this noise in my head.

The original cause of tinnitus that I read about was it was due the brain filling in the noise which is absent due to damaged cochlear hairs. I personally can no longer believe this is the real underlying cause.  Perhaps it is related in that it is the initial impact that caused the nervous system to change, but I do not believe the absence of noise is causing the ongoing tinnitus.  If this were the case, I would think that if you went into a sound proof room, one’s ears would start ringing.

In my research, I read message boards about what others are experiencing as well as research study results.  Both are important sources of information on tinnitus.  My latest research has made me believe more in the cause of tinnitus being due to hyperactivity in a part or perhaps multiple parts of my brain.  My understanding is that after some impact to my system, my body responded.  I think time as well changes the nature of what happens in the brain.  The neuroplasticity of the brain can be good and perhaps not so good as well.

As time passes, the body further responds to the changes and makes figuring out what is going on with tinnitus in a group of people more complex. Nonetheless, I think that, atleast in my case, part of my nervous system is hyperexcited or perhaps a better way to put it is it is in a different state or level of activity.  The reason for this could be loss of hearing or stimulation, a trauma or perhaps some drug reaction.

I have come across terms like Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus, somatic tinnitus, otic tinnitus and many other terms.  This terminology is all helping me piece this together.  This article by Dr. Robert Levine on Somatic Tinnitus and the Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus Hypothesis is interesting and provides case studies which have helped me appreciate the complexity of tinnitus as well as expand my perspectives on how to pursue my own cure.

I am still trying to learn more and more.  There is so much I do not know.  As I read studies like Dr. Levine’s and read the helpful comments on message boards, my focus on curing my tinnitus evolves.

I have increased my focus on meditation.  I meditate not only to relax, but to also connect with my nervous system and maybe help it get back into equilibrium.  I have to note again that when I meditate and drill down into the noise, I can feel my sciatica in my calf and also my spinal disc pain.  Neither is overly uncomfortable though.  Why I am pointing this out is I think there is a connection between my spinal discs and my tinnitus.

I encourage you to do your own research.  What I refuse to believe is that there is no cure.  There is a cure, we just have not found one yet.  Actually, people have had tinnitus and then it disappeared – so in reality people have been cured of their tinnitus.  I will cure myself.

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