Oral probiotics trial for tinnitus

By | March 1, 2016

I have been taking oral probiotics for over a week now. I am taking two lozenges per day. The lozenges taste pretty good and dissolve at a good rate. The product I am taking has approximately 2 billion viable cells of S salivarius in two lozenges according to the bottle. It also has L acidophilus.

Here is a picture I took of my bottle and the lozenges. I purchased this through Amazon for about $22.
This is the product I am trying Nature’s Plus – Adult’s Ear, Nose & Throat Lozenges 60


Today the ringing sounded different for a moment as I sat at my desk. It seemed more active or dynamic in a way and then settled back. It was not really louder. Any time the tinnitus becomes more than a constant noise i get interested. I will continue to take this probiotic and provide updates. I do not know if the probiotic had an influence on this incident.

I drank my tumeric tea tonight. I took 1 g of taurine and vitamin D this morning.

I will cure myself.

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