Tinnitus thoughts

What causes tinnitus?There are many theories about what causes tinnitus. I have my own and I’ve read many others. So what do I think causes tonight us. I’ve had tinnitus for about eight years now. One of my theories is tinnitus is caused by irritation of the nerves which when reaches the brain is interpreted… Read More »

My tinnitus update

I continue to take taurine.  I have reduced my dosage to one 1000 mg capsule per day.  I did not notice any effect from increasing my dosage to 2 -3 grams per day. I saw my audiologist and she adjusted my hearing aids to reduce their sensitivity to background noise.  In the presence of white… Read More »

How to speak

Here are some key speaking techniques that will improve your effectiveness as a speaker. These are techniques I have learned both through my years of training and experience and through my experience as someone that has hearing issues including tinnitus. My hypothesis is that everyone’s hearing and listening are challenged. They are challenged by physical… Read More »

Ups and downs

This morning the tinnitus seemed about average. However I noticed that without my hearing aids my hearing was not good. I took my taurine as usual. 1 g.

Mouth guard and tinnitus

I have been wearing my mouth guard as I sleep for a few nights now. I notice that my jaw feels better in the morning. I have to believe this is good for my jaw and teeth. In addition, not having the pressure may be helping my tinnitus improve. I will keep observing. I will… Read More »

I heard the birds singing

This morning as I walked to the train in the 50 degree weather I heard birds chirping. Now this is not unusual event for a warm day for a Chicago winter day. What is a little surprising is I heard them without my hearing aids. I usually seem to have trouble hearing the chirping sound… Read More »

S salivarius for tinnitus

It is Day 3 of my trial with S salivarius. I have not noticed any significant a effect. The lozenges taste okay. I have noticed changes in the sound of my tinnitus when I move my neck or when my backpack pulls on my neck area. I will keep observing. I have not had tumeric… Read More »

My next tinnitus treatment

I just ordered some probiotics that are apparently for your ears, nose and throat or oral cavity probiotics. The strain of bacteria are called s salivarius. I found this product by accident. I searched for How I cured my tinnitus. I found a message board posting. I am very careful about what people post as… Read More »

Tinnitus and nerve ion channels

Over the past few years, I have been trying possible ways to alleviate and cure my tinnitus.  As I have written, I have tried supplements, meditation, posture and craniosacral therapy. I have read many reasons for the cause of tinnitus including trauma, noise exposure, medication, TMJ, deficiencies like zinc or magnesium.  There are also different… Read More »