Category Archives: Treatments

My next tinnitus treatment

I just ordered some probiotics that are apparently for your ears, nose and throat or oral cavity probiotics. The strain of bacteria are called s salivarius. I found this product by accident. I searched for How I cured my tinnitus. I found a message board posting. I am very careful about what people post as… Read More »

Tinnitus and nerve ion channels

Over the past few years, I have been trying possible ways to alleviate and cure my tinnitus.  As I have written, I have tried supplements, meditation, posture and craniosacral therapy. I have read many reasons for the cause of tinnitus including trauma, noise exposure, medication, TMJ, deficiencies like zinc or magnesium.  There are also different… Read More »

May be working

I am noticing some difference in the ringing now that I am consistently taking 3 g per day. I have not noticed hearing improvement though. The ringing has not stopped but seems to be changing. Gets low in one ear etc. Not much else to say right now. I am going to stay in 3G… Read More »

One hearing aid

I lost one hearing aid yesterday so I wore one hearing aid all day. What I noticed was it seemed easier to hear. Less background noise. I did find my lost one thanks to my son. It was outside.

Acupuncture for tinnitus

Today I am trying to see if acupuncture will help my tinnitus. It is called auriculotherapy. Here you can see the beads applied to key points. I will cure myself. Update. I did not notice any effect from the acupuncture beads in my ear.

Potassium channels

I am reading about studies addressing potassium channels. For me it is important to understand the mechanism. I am going to investigate this further with care. Never surrender. I will cure my tinnitus.

I am onto something

I am onto something big. I am developing a technique of meditation that is I believe helping my tinnitus and overall hearing. I also take Taurine and continue with ALA and Gingko Biloba although I do not think pthe latter two are helping my tinnitus at this stage. I take ALA mainly for glucose management.… Read More »

Magnet therapy. No thanks

I have been reading about this magnet therapy. I found a recent article indicating it may not work. For me, I am not going down this path. Seems to random. I prefer to harness my own brain to stabilize itself vs jolts of magnetism to jar something loose.